
Othonna hybridizations during the past 5 years

O. sp. nov. x cremnophila, pot size 10.5cm

O. sp. nov. x cremnophila, like mini Pachpodium, pot size 10.5cm

O. sp. nov. x cremnophila, like a mini version of cyphostemma uter var. macropus, pot size 10.5cm

O. sp. nov. x cremnophila, pot size 10.5cm

One of the key species in Othonna hybridizations, O. sp. nov., used be called O. pygmaea. Also once regarded as O. cacalioides, but the hybrids between this species and cacalioides cannot produce viable seeds, so they are different species. Pot size 8.5cm

O. sp. nov. x armiana, like a mini version of Cyphostemma seitzianum, pot size 10.5cm

O. armiana x cremnophila, pot size 15.5cm

O. sp. nov. x triplinervia (probably), like a mini version of Pachypodium rosulatum ssp. gracilius, pot size 8.5cm

O. euphorbioides x sp. steinkopf, another version of mini gracilius, pot size 8.5cm

O. euphorbioides x sp. steinkopf, pot size 10.5cm

O. euphorbioides x hallii, the long and white flower stalk remnants look so cool, pot size 10.5cm

O. sp. nov. x euphorbioides, pot size 15.5cm

O. sp. nov. x euphorbioides F2, mini leaf form, pot size 10.5cm

O. triplinervia x cremnophila, like a mini version of Cyphostemma juttae, pot size 8.5cm

O. triplinervia x cremnophila, pot size 10.5cm

O. cacalioides x cremnophila, like a mini version of Pachypodium eburneum, pot size 10.5cm

O. cacalioides x cremnophila, pot size 10.5cm

O. cacalioides x cremnophila, like a mini version of Pachypodium brevicaule, pot size 10.5cm

O. cacalioides x cremnophila F2, I call it super cacalioides, because it grows much bigger, much faster campares to pure cacalioides, and almost never die. Pot size 19cm

Othonna herrei x cremnophila, pot size 15.5cm

Othonna herrei x cremnophila, pot size 15cm

O. tuberosa x cremnophila, pot size 10.5cm

O. tuberosa x triplinervia, pot size 8.5cm

O. lepidocaulis x herrei, pot size 15.5cm

O. lepidocaulis x euphorbioides (probably), pot size 15.5cm

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